Faneposter's characters

At the conjunction of worlds.

Elane Ravenloft
Protagonist of Song of Infinity

Divinity: Original Sin 2 | female elf | noble | savage fighter

Born in the Elven Forests to strange circumstances, Elane been on the run for as long as she can remember.Her fate took a turn when she came across humans, who took her in. She lived a life of comfort ever since, but the question of her birthright never stopped plaguing her thoughts.

Elane's portrait by DragonsAria
Key design points
The eye color and shape changes at night from black to silver - the iris reflects phases of moon
Family heirlooms - the comb and three headpins. They act as anchors to her humanity
Choice of clothing - Elane wears exclusively human-made garments. She hates elven fashions.
Her body is not fully corporeal - it's hollow on the inside and made exclusively from blood.
Choice of weaponry - her fighting style utilises savage blows. She prefers big, heavy weapons.

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Adrianne, 'the Decadent'
Protagonist of Gold Tarnishes Quickly

Elden Ring | female nightfolk | prisoner | faithless

A woman of rare descent once stuck in the hedonistic maze of rich city's high society. A deadly seductress working on a powerful man's behalf, she has met her end on his behalf.
The end wasn't finite, as she awoke in the Lands Between, revived by the Grace bestowed upon her for unknown reasons.
Since then, she wears a strange brand on her forehead, and is led from place to place by a vision of a red haired angel.

Adrianne by DragonsAria
Key design points
High contrast. Her skin is graphite/steel gray. Her hair is white.
She shaves her eyebrows.
Before becoming a Tarnished she only wore black and silver.
After inheriting the Rune of Death - her eyes change color. Left - murky. Right - deep purple.
The forehead brand in the shape of eclipse - only after arriving in the Lands Between
Choice of weaponry -quick and light thrusting weapons. Magic staffs.

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Emilia, the Embalmer
Protagonist of The Fall of Al-Bethyl

Heroes: Might&Magic 6 | female necromancer | tears | scholar

One of the students of the famous Flower of the North, Sveltana Griffin.Orphaned at a young age, Emilia found comfort and hope in the House Eterna's worship of Asha, the Dragon God of Order.In stark contrast to most necromancers, she is no zealot or herald of death.
Asha, ultimately, uses all in time.
Her goal is to help the suffering, dead or alive, hence why she chose to become an Embalmer, following in Sveltana's footsteps.

Adrianne as a Tarnished
Key design points
She's undead. Her pale skin and glowing eyes are the result of drinking spider venom.
She has no eyebrows.
Choice of weapons - Staffs. Most notably Staff of Asha's Eightfold and Soulreaver Staff

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Raven Hewley

Final Fantasy VII | genderfluid | SOLDIER

An orphan found by Angeal in his home village of Banora. She had been taken in by his family. That's what she's been told, anyway.Fierce, yet somewhat shy, Raven always looked up to the sky in wonder, wishing to touch it one day.She strived to become a 1st class SOLDIER but not for the power and fame - she merely wanted to have more in common with her adoptive father.Little did she know her kind-hearted wish would soon turn into a nightmare.

Vermil's portrait by DragonsAria
Key design points
Long bob hairstyle
Black hair
Memento ribon (Red or white)
Glowing, Mako-Blue eyes (or green-hazel pre SOLDIER)

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